Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fundraising Meeting on Monday

Dear NOAH Families,

Below you will find a letter about one important fundraising effort for NOAH Football. We talk to our athletes about pursuing excellence in all that they do. Our goal is more than just wins (though 10 wins in 2008 was wonderful). Our goal is more than national championships (NOAH football currently owns two of those). The goal we consistently put in front of your sons is the pursuit of excellence - the kind of excellence that reminds them and others of the unsurpassable excellence of the Lord Jesus Christ.

That pursuit of excellence is the only kind of program I'm interested in being a part of. As parents and supporters of the NOAH Football program you can help tremendously in that pursuit by helping us have the resources to provide the safest and best equipment, the right kind of instruction, the equipment necessary for preparing your sons to be the best team possible. Please take seriously and pursue with excellence the fundraising opportunity below and other ways you can help our program.

Remember that NOAH is a 501 (c) non-profit corporation and any contributions you make to the football organization are tax deductible. If you have an interest in particular needs for our program and/or what the money raised will be used for you can contact me (Coach Joe), Fred Sabatini (President of NOAH), Danae Fayard (Team Coordinator), or Cheryl Castles (Football Treasurer).


Coach Joe Blankenship
Head Football Coach

Dear NOAH Football Families,

We have an exciting and easy fundraiser planned! This fundraiser will be used to provide funds for the tackle football program. Fundraising efforts are absolutely vital to our program to keep from being forced to raise the player registration fees to cover minimum costs. We have chosen, as one of our fundraising campaigns, to sell the extraordinary Enjoy the City discount coupon book. This coupon book is beautifully laid out, very well made and most importantly provides truly extraordinary value for items we really use! It’s definitely what’s inside that makes this coupon book so great.

Homeland- Five dollars off of $50 dollar purchase (12 coupons)
Food Pyramid-Five dollars off of $50 dollar purchase (12 coupons)
Many many great restaurant coupons! Dominos, Papa Murphy pizza to name a few! Even Te Kei's Chinese/Asian Kitchen!
The Tulsa Ballet
ORU athletic events
TU athletic events
Philbrook Museum
Dry cleaning coupons
Rental car coupons
Wow---even Honey Baked Ham
The ever necessary haircut from Sports Clips Haircuts

The booklets will sell for $25 dollars each and our program will profit from each book that is sold. The Homeland coupons alone make these booklets worth double what we will sell them for and in this economy, who wouldn’t want to double their purchasing power on everyday necessary items?We will have a mandatory meeting on Monday night after football practice ends to discuss and distribute this opportunity to keep registration fees low.
Monday's practice will be held at the practice field at 129th between 81st and 91st. Practice time is 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The meeting will begin as soon as practice has ended.We will distribute a discount book to each family that will allow everyone to actually see the discounts they will be purchasing.Prizes will be awarded to the top sellers for the high school team and the junior high team. Details of the prizes will be announced at Monday's meeting.

See you on Monday!

Danae Fayard