Thursday, July 30, 2009


NOAH Football Parents, NOAH Board,

I am thankful for the work of NOAH and the opportunity to play a part in it. I have felt led by the Lord to coach football at NOAH as a ministry to young men. Springs of Grace Church and its leadership has been supportive of my ministering through coaching as a part of how I should spend my time.

I am thankful for all of the people on the board and in football in particularly who give their time and energy. I understand NOAH is a volunteer organization and there often appears to be more to do than people to do it.

As the football season is about to begin in earnest, I want to share some needs that unless we are able to fill them, have the potential of undermining our success as a program or will push my time commitment beyond what my family and other ministry responsibilities can endure.

1) We need some men to take on the responsibility for the equipment - getting it in and out of the shed before and after practice. This involves the maintaining of equipment, checking to make sure no equipment gets left out, that what gets taken out at the beginning of practice ends up back in the shed. (We lost over $200 of footballs in the spring). There are also game responsibilities. The person or persons need to be (collectively) at every practice and games.

2) We need some men to take on the responsibility of field maintenance. We had hoped to move to a different field this year but it has not worked out. Our field is in bad condition. I have watered it four of the past five days for 14 plus hours each day. The field not only has bad grass and no grass in spots but has become extremely hard. I am hoping that watering it will help create a softer base on which we can practice. The field will be fertilized tomorrow in hopes of greening up and filling out what grass we have. Maintaining the fields can help in the prevention of injuries. Having good grass lowers the temperature of the playing surface and minimizing the dust makes breathing easier as your sons compete.

3) Danae (with helpers) has done a great job of assisting with the scheduling, contacting, and administration.

Coaching football requires much more than the time spent on the practice field. As a football coach, twice as much time is spent in preparation outside of the practice field that is spent on the field. The time commitment is a big one and I have enjoyed making it. I want to make sure that I maintain the support of my family and church by doing all I can to not let the time commitment swell beyond what the Lord has for me. Your help will be very appreciated.


Joe Blankenship
NOAH Football