Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Message from our Home Game Coordinator

Dear NOAH Families,

We want all the families of NOAH to know that we are excited for anytime you want to come out and support our football boys! And for each home games, we are encouraging you to have your kids/families make signs to put up around the perimeter of the field. Or you can make signs to hold - whatever kind of sign you want to make! We are wanting the stadium filled with great team spirit and this would certainly help to encourage that! So, please get creative and start drawing for the game! And, if you don't mind, bring your own tape and put them up on whatever part of the fence you choose! (Just please make sure you check the appropriateness, parents! Not that we're too worried about our kids being inappropriate - but we still need to check! Please make sure the wording is not offensive - you know what we mean! Like no ugly "jabs" against the other team.) Okay, enough of that.
Anyway, we are looking forward to a great first home game this Friday night! So, get your spirit on and come out and support the NOAH Jaguars!!!

NOAH Football Committee