Thursday, September 16, 2010

Discount Card Pick up

Below is a message from Janine Gaalswyk who is distributing the discount cards.  If you will find me at
the game I will direct you to her.


Parents/Players Jr and Sr. High:

I still have in my possession NOAH Discount Cards that need to be given to the following people. If your name is

listed below please find me at the NOAH/STILWELL game Friday night.

I will not give the card to anyone but the parents. I am the one who is always taking the pictures at the games.

The cards are valid from 9/2010 to 9/2011 so you need to get these from me on Friday night and get them distributed

to the individuals who ordered them so they have them in their possession in the month of September.

* Cannedy Family

* Means Family

* Martin Family

* Hartung Family

* Gustin Family

Thanks you so much

Janine Gaalswyk