Saturday, April 13, 2013

NOAH Girls Volleyball Announcement

To all those interested in participating in NOAH girls Volleyball:

We are preparing for a new season of Noah Volleyball.  Please help us get this information out to all who may be interested.

We will have general skills training on Monday nights beginning May 13th from 5:00-7:00pm.  We will also have conditioning workouts on Tuesdays beginning May 15th from 5:00-6:00 or so.  We may go a bit longer some days.

All of the summer workouts are voluntary and free for the girls to attend and see if volleyball is the sport for them.  We will then have tryouts the first week of July and begin regular practices Mon, Tues, Thurs the next week.

Our NOAH home gym is the church gym at Christian Chapel, 7807 E 76th St, Tulsa. (use the NE entrance).

^^^FYI^^^ all girls will need a Medical release form to participate in conditioning as well as the regular season.  You can find the form on the Noah website under forms.  Please print it out and have it ready to turn in on the first day.  When it asked for grade:  it is asking for the grade the athlete will be in for the 2013-2014 school year.

If you have any questions please let me know.  We are excited for another great season!


Anna Paquette