Monday, October 11, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request

Dear football team and familes

Please be in prayer for Coach Malcolm Andrews and his family. Coach Malcolm has been admitted to Oklahoma State Medical Hospital (9th and Houston - downtown) and is in ICU. He has been diagnosed with an infection that has gotten into his bloodstream and has formed pockets of infection in his lungs. This has caused his breathing to be very difficult and his heart has been working double time for quite a while in an attempt to keep up. He is a very sick man. The doctors are treating the infection with an antibiotic and have intubated him to help his breathing. His lungs are not the problem but are the "innocent bystanders" (the doctor's words) suffering from the problem of the infection. The doctors do not know the source of the infection at this time and are not really looking for that yet. They want to see him turn around a little before they do other tests.

Here are some specific needs:

Malcolm's breathing

Malcolm's heart rate - his heart rate was 184 and the doctor said he had done the equivalent of a couple of marathons already and his heart needed a break.

Pray for the antibiotics to work quickly and that other body organs would not be affected

Pray for Andrea as she is in ICU with Malcolm as much as she can - Rosa and I have swapped and she is up with Andrea in ICU right now but Andrea could use some other ladies to give her spiritual support and encouragement.

Pray for the kids during this time - Darius is home with them tonight - specifically - we need to help provide getting Nokia to school and back. Morgan and Butter can come to the church with Makala and Darius when they are picked up for the One Hope Academy but will need cared for during the day.

If you can help - call me (Coach Joe) at 918 760 0089 or my wife (Rosa) at 918 231 5106 as we coordinate the help.

Thank you very much and may the Lord show His kindness and mercy to this dear brother.