Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yummy Yummy Pies!


We are coming up on the last couple of weeks to get those orders for the yummy pies. I would love to know how the pie sales are going for everyone. Send me an email ( ) and let me know how you are doing. Please remember that the deadline for selling is Nov. 10th, also, you must have all money collected before turning the order in to me. I will be picking up all orders on Wed. Nov. 10th at the practice field between 3:30p.m. and 6:00p.m. It is very important that I have all orders in on this date so that I can get the orders placed and we can get all of the pies delivered before the Thanksgiving Holiday.
If you have any questions please email me at the address above or call me on my cell at 645-2053.
So get out there and SELL--SELL--SELL in these last couple of weeks that we have so that we can get some money raised for our outstanding NOAH JAGUARS football team.
Thank you in advance for all of your hard work and dedication to the football program.
Sheila Rossi