Saturday, July 10, 2010



Well the FINAL DAY for sales of your discount cards is this Monday, July 12.

You will need to turn in all orders (order sheets) and money on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at the field (129th/81st Street location) on that day.

Please NO CURRENCY (COINS).... Only money orders, Checks and Cash will be accepted. It would really help if you could get money order's for the cash you have received or make out a check.

PARENTS: I will be under the Red Canopy sitting at a table to take the orders and money on Tuesday, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. ALL ORDERS MUST BE TURNED IN ON THAT DAY!

I will then be handing them all over to Danae for processing and we will notify you as to an approximate date of delivery. YOU may want to make a copy of order sheet so you can call everyone on your list to let them know as soon as we notify you on the blog.

Janine Gaalswyk